ePlan Solutions provides the ePs services at zero cost to the jurisdiction. The cost of the services is paid for by the applicant prior to uploading files for review or receiving a permit. Typically these cost for projects are approximately 40% less than the cost to produce and deliver plans.
Permits that do not require a plan review are typically $5 plus 5% of the permit fee for jurisdictions that ePs collects the permit fee. Permits that require plan review range from $10 to $175 dependent upon the type, size and scope of the project.
ePs has partnered with Government Window to provide payments services for plan review fees and pemit fees. These payments are separated from the ePs payment during the transaction and delivered to the jurisdiction at the end of each day.

Government Window, LLC is a leading provider of NO COST government payment solutions that save time and money for governments, while providing convenient and secure payment methods for
Since 2001, Government Window has processed millions of dollars worth of secure merchant payment transactions in a variety of municipal environments. Through patented and trademarked technology, we have provided core web-based solutions to simplify and streamline any electronic payment and reconciliation process.
Our solutions are funded with user-paid convenience fees, allowing us to provide this service at NO COST to governments. Our unique business model and merchant relationships allow us to minimize these convenience fees, to ensure customer satisfaction and increase electronic traffic…justifying our core business principle to government agencies of “No Cost, No Contract”